Friday, October 10, 2008

To Find A Wife

At the beginning of creation You proclaimed, "It is not good that man should be alone". You purposely designed me with a void only a wife can fill so in my divinely created emptiness, I ask You in the name of Jesus to release the wife You have specifically chosen for me.

My prayer before I met Zhenyuan on 17 May 08:

Because the covenant of marriage is sacred, I ask for a woman of God. A woman whose love for me is outmatched only by her love for You. A woman who will inspire me to draw closer to You. A woman who will build me up. A woman whom I can share my deep thoughts with. A woman whom I will be attracted to physically, emotionally, and spiritually. A woman I will love just as Christ loved the church.

I will not settle for a relationship that is second best, convenient, or one that feeds my insecurities. Guard my purity, and give me the patience to wait. And when I meet her, confirm to me that she is the one.

Free me from any hindrances to a healthy and godly marriage: insecurities, habitual sins, selfishness, emotional hurts, unrealistic expectations. Release from me the baggage of past relationships, and prepare me for the woman You have chosen to be my wife.

In this period of waiting, I will look to You to be my companion and best friend. You are the One who redeems my life from the pit, who crowns me with love and compassion, who satisfies my desires with good things. I will not be anxious, but as I present my requests to You, flood me with the peace that surpasses all understanding so my heart and my mind are guarded in Christ Jesus.

Thank you Lord, Amen.

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